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Your data is passing by your bizhub MFP day by day. How can you make sure your corporate data and valuable company information is safe and protected against data theft?

Konica Minolta´s answer to this is the reliable protection of bizhub Secure. With this set of security measures, we give your Konica Minolta bizhub MFP an extra level of protection. But how can be ensured that the your bizhub device conforms at all time to these industry leading security standards? With SECURE Notifier you can relax. The application provides you instant access to the current security status of your bizhub MFP and visually indicates if the device conforms to the bizhub Secure standards. Once the MFP does not fit, an automatic notification will be send to your MFPs administrator. As the bizhub Secure Service consists of different measures, all of them can conveniently be reviewed within the SECURE Notifier Application. Therefore, the Application let you to keep track about the security status of your MFP and provides the ability to quickly identify and resolve any unconformity related to the bizhub Secure security standard. This gives you peace of mind and let you focus on your core business.

bizhub SECURE Notifier indicates the current status of security settings on MFP and should be installed after bizhub SECURE service is implemented.

Established in 1998

Level 2 BBEEE Accredited

Konica Minolta Support Certification

Authorised Konica Minollta Dealer

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KMCS is a company that provides grade A customer service, We have the capability to ship to you where ever it may be in the country with our nation wide shipping plans..

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With our national footprint we can deliver and install equipment and software to all major cities nation wide

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